Sunday 24 February 2013

Evaluation - Question 5

5. How did attract/address your audience?

Evaluation - Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target audience for my media product would be women and men, aged sixteen too late twenties. It is mainly aimed at young adults, who have an interest in indie/rock genre of music. 
Katherine is 16 years old and she lives in Sidcup, her choice of clothing is outgoing, she puts her own twist on whats in fashion at the moment. Her clothes often are quite dark, black leather jacket, with dark trousers and usually something light as a jumper or top to contrast the jacket and trousers. Katherine's make-up often involves a think line of liquid eyeliner, which makes her eyes quite dark and quite recently she'll wear a bold shade of lipstick like red, purple or dark pink. Katherine is soon to be getting her nose pierced and a few other piercings and when she is old enough she will be getting loads of tattoos. 
Katherine is very outgoing, loud, positive and creative. She loves going to gig's/concerts and hanging out with her friends. Her favorite places to shop are either up Camden, Markets and Vintage Markets. Her favorite books are usually supernatural and fictional books. Her hobbies are photography and art. Katherine's favorite TV program is Dexter, Vampire Diaries and Family Guy. The most recent film she has seen in cinema was Warm Bodies and she said that it has turned into one of her favorites. Her favorite band at the moment are Of mice and men, Don Broco, Artic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy and Blink 182. 

Katherine would buy my magazine because it appeals to her type of music and genre. She would find the articles inside interesting and would want to win the gig and concert tickets. Also she would want the free posters that would come with the magazine. It would appeal to Katherine because she enjoys Rock music and because it suits her style. 

Evaluation - Question 3

Question 3

I have created a link to the Prezi Website, where the answer to Question 3 is. It wouldn't allow me to post Prezi onto my blog so I've had to do a link.

Evaluation - Question 2


Evaluation - Question 1

Interview used for the double page spread

VIXEN is the new upcoming artist and she is hot on the scene. Everyone is getting excited over her new album coming up. VIXEN has fully grabbed the attention of our readers from PARANOIA. So we got her to come down for an interview to tell our readers about the new album and how she started, with our one and only Hayley James.
H: VIXEN thank you so much for coming in today.
V: It’s my pleasure thank you for inviting me. I’ve always wanted to come do an interview for PARANOIA, it’s my favourite magazine, and I’ve been reading it for years now.
H: Really? That’s great; well I’m glad you came today. So let’s start with your new album coming out.
V: Yeah I’m so excited for everyone to hear it. I’ve been working on it for months and months.
H: So why did you name it SPITEFUL? Seems very different to you, you seem like such a sweet kind person.
V: *laughs* Well VIXEN means spiteful, quarrelsome and malicious women and even though I’m a ‘’nice’’ girl I have my evil side like every other person. My mum use to call me VIXEN when I was angry or having a bad day because I would just turn on everyone, so when I started singing VIXEN seemed like the best name. So when it came to my album my most famous song was SPITEFUL and it just seemed to fit the album. Most of my songs are quite strong and meaningful.
H: I heard that you wrote all your songs? What are most of your songs about?
V: Well you heard correct I do write all my songs, ill lock myself away for hours sometimes even days to get a song perfect. I usually get motivated to write a song, or I’ll get an idea from a song when I’m being spiteful or just over a something I’ve noticed that I disagree with.
H: What do you mean?
V: Well say if you’ve just had an argument or you witness something that you’re strongly against. That’s when I’ll get inspiration for a song, for example I was watching the news one day and the main headline was of a women getting raped then killed. This poor women only lived a few miles away from me, and I realised it could’ve been someone I knew or loved, and it got me really angry, I couldn't focus on anything else apart from that fact.
H: Is that song on your album?
V: Yeah, it’s called ‘’Blocks Away’’.
H: I’ve heard that song, it’s very strong. Are all your songs about such serious subjects?
V: You could say most of them, I do have a few songs from nights after parties, and the regrets you have in the mornings and break ups. I do try and do some fun songs, like ‘’Paint the Town’’ and ‘’Shake the House’’. However usually I just write about things that motivate me though.
H: Do you have to be motivated to write a song?
V: Yeah, I can’t just sit down and force myself to write a song, I’ll even get motivated to write a song by ‘’catchy’’ words or a few sounds I hear together.
H: That’s incredible. That must be why our readers our so inspired by your songs, because they can relate to them.
V: That would mean a lot, I love when I get emotionally attached to a song because I can relate to it. So if people are connecting to my songs that means a lot.
H: Do your fans mean a lot to you?
V: Oh yes! Defiantly! I don’t know where I’d be without them. They've help me grow to become the singer I know am, if not for them I’d still be stuck singing in clubs and bars. I love my fans so much.
H: I’m sure they’d love to hear that! Have your family always supported you through your music?
V: My mum always has, she was the one to buy my first guitar and pay for my guitar lessons. We use to play concert, sad I know, but she would line up rows of teddy bears, or when my family was round she’d get them all to sit around me whilst I played my guitar and sang for them. My dad died when I was young so he never got to see me play guitar, but apparently when I would visit him in hospital I use to sing for him and all the nurses would watch as well.
H: Oh I’m sorry to hear about your dad.
V: It’s fine he died when I was five so I don’t really know any different, I cherish all the memories and pictures I have of him.
H: That’s sweet, so are you close with your mum?
V: Yes! She’s my best friend! It’s always just been us two, so we mean everything to each other, she’s at every gig and concert of mine. With me at the studio, she loves supporting me throughout everything. I don’t know what I’d actually do without her.
H: That’s lovely. Well thank you for coming, and keep us updated with how your album goes.
V: Of course I will thank you for having me. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Final Pages

These are the three finished pages for my magazine. I feel that all three pages fit together where I have used the same colour scheme for each page and the same font. They do stick to the rock theme I wanted to give off, its all bold, eye grabbing and easy to read. I feel that this magazine has an overall professional, stylish, clean and minimalistic look, and it also managed to create a Rock style this will draw in my target audience. 

Creating the Double Page Spread

This is the first draft of the double page spread. Where all the interview boxes are that is where all the text from her Interview will be. It shows where I've decided to put the model, the interview will be surrounding the model without going over her body. 

The text on the top left I have added matches the font's from the front page and contents page, to keep my theme the same. Also I have added VIXEN's signature name to stand out and too make it bold. The font is bold to catch the readers attention. 

In this print screen it shows that I have added the interview. I have also added two pull quotes and made them red to make them bold and to keep with the theme of the magazine. I have also added a paragraph at the top of the left page to introduce to the artist before it goes into the interview. 

This is the final versions of the double page spread, I have added a blue box underneath the paragraph before the interview, I did this because it makes the paragraph stand out and not blend in with the interview, also because it matches the theme of the magazine. I like how the interview goes around the picture of the artist instead of going over her. 

Creating the Contents Page

For the first draft of my contents page I have added the magazine name and 'contents' at the top of the page. This will show the readers that its the contents page, also it will grab their attention because of the bold writing. 

This is the second draft for my contents page, I've added an image of my model Hayley Sigrist, as she fits in with my theme of magazine and I needed more model's in my magazine.

This draft gives me a rough idea of what else to include in my contents page and where I will add it. I will be including the pages in the magazine, posters and other information from inside the magazine.

In this print screen it shows how I've turned the top image into advertisement for an interview later on in the magazine with a singer called 'ROXIE'. It also shows how I've started to add the details of whats going to be included in the magazine. I've also added VIXEN's album cover image to advertise it. 

This print screen shows that I have finished off the details of what's in the magazine. So far I have stuck with my colour scheme so that it matches the front page, I have also used the same font as the front page to keep it all matching and bold. 

I have added an extra image of Tayla Roostan to be used as a poster advertisement, and to also include more images in my magazine. I have also started advertising VIXEN's album cover image by adding the text 'HER EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW PAGE 6' and 'VIXEN NEW ALBUM'. 

This is the final contents page, I have included extra information about the interview with ROXIE in the blue box underneath her image. Also I've included a 'subscribe to us now' at the bottom of the page. The contents page fits in with the theme of the front cover and matches it well. 

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Creating the Front Page

This is the first draft I have created for my front page. It has been designed breifly to give me a rough idea of where the layout will be and what needs to be included. The big box in the middle would be were I will include my front cover image, the image will come from the photoshoot I have done previously.

This is the second draft of the front page, I have added the main image and included the title. I have added an extra strip on the top of my magazine to include the skyline. The two bottom boxes will be used to show the posters that will be in the magazine later on for the audience, so they know what free product that they are getting in the magazine, which will encourage they audience to buy the magazine. I have also included the bar code, with the price, magazine issue and date underneath. 

In this draft of my magazine I have added more boxes for things that I need to include to remember. Also instead of having the poster boxes tilted I have made them straight, next to each other and added a text box on top. This will make the magazine more professional.

In this print screen it shows that I have started to incorporate the colour scheme into the magazine. It also shows how I have added a poster in the bottom left corner. I have also made the title as long as the page because it will make it bolder, and it will stand out more. Vixen's signature name style has been added to the magazine as well to show that the main cover image is her. 

I have started to add more text and detail to my magazine now, to draw the audience in more. I've included the writing for the skyline and the other conventions needed on a magazine. With the extra writing the magazine is starting to come together and look more like an actual magazine. I have decided to only use one poster on my front page, as two would take up too much room, and one poster looks just as effective as two would. I have also added a sell line at the bottom off the front page. 

 By adding more text to the front cover it makes it more dramatic and interesting to look at, which will grab the audiences attention. I've added some text (anchorage text) to go on a tilt to make it more eye grabbing, also it fits in with the image well, because it doesn't cover the models face, instead it fits next to it. Underneath the title of the magazine I've added a slogan, ''VOTED BEST ROCK MAGAZINE 2012".

I have gone for the clean, crisp and minimalistic look. The magazine that inspired me for the same minimalistic look and target audience was UNCUT. This is my final version of the front page. I have added more sell lines on the right hand side of the magazine, to show the readers more information about what else will be included in the magazine. I changed the words 'BEST' and 'NEW' to red to make them bolder so they will stand out, they will also grab the audiences attention. 


For the design of my title font I have used the website

This font will work well for my magazine, it fits in with my genre well and stands out. It would catch the readers attention and draw them into the magazine. This font is easy to read, bold and different. Where the font is bold and large it will attract the readers attention, but because it has the white lines throughout the words it gives it that different affect which makes it fit in with the rock theme. 

 I'm not sure about this font I don't think it stands out well compared to the other fonts. Also I don't like how around the text it has a white border, I don't think that would fit in with my theme well. 

I like this style, it suits my theme, however I don't think it would work well for a magazine because of the black sprayed paint around the text. It would be different to incorporate it into a magazine without things getting hidden by the black sprayed paint or other things covering it. 

I like this font because it fits in with the rock theme well, its bold so it would attract the readers attention. I also like this font because it has a different style, its got an edge that gives off a rock theme. 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Magazine Flat Plan

To help with creating my music magzine I have created a flat plan to get an idea of the layout of the magazine. This will help when creating the contents page so I know what to include in it, also so it can help layout where the posters, advertisment and certain pages would be.
To create this flat plan I had to research layouts of magazines and designs. I used online magazines and hard copys of magazines that I went and bought specifically for this reason.